Sunday, August 28, 2011

9 Month Old Watermelon Baby Mr {N}

I met Mr. N last month when I did some family portraits for his Mommy & Daddy.  He wanted to sit in a watermelon and did great in tears at all!  He even ate the watermelon and seemed to really like the taste and texture.  I'm so glad I got to do this session and can't wait to see him back for his 1 year portraits in October.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

9 Month Old Watermelon Baby

Miss A. and her Watermelon

When Miss A's Mommy contacted me about doing a watermelon mini-session I must admit, I was a bit worried as to whether or not I could find a watermelon big enough for a 9 month old.  Another worry was whether or not Miss A would like the watermelon.  Well, I did find a big enough melon, but my #2 worry came true and she didn't like it very much.  We also found out she wasn't a big fan of grass :)  That being said, we ended up with some great portraits, and I know if I were Miss A's Mommy, I'd have a hard time picking which ones I wanted.  Here are just a few for your viewing pleasure:

She was NOT a fan of the cold, wet watermelon!

She finally got a little bit content in there.


Watermelon baby in a tree, pretty sure my neighbors think I'm nuts!

Her Mommy had painted her little toenails so I had to get a picture of those too!

If you'd like to book a mini-session, send me an email and we'll get you scheduled!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

5 Month Old Cutie

Little Mr. S (and his mom and dad) came to visit me this week.  He was such a sweet little guy and never once complained about having his picture taken.  :)  I cannot wait to work with him (and his parents) again in the coming months.  Here's a few pictures from our session:


Miss E's 3 Month Pictures

I can't believe little Miss E is almost 3 months old!  Her Mom brought her for a visit this week and I was once again amazed at how much she has grown.  Before we started out pictures, Miss E thought it would be good to catch some beauty sleep.  I took this opportunity to take some pics!

Miss E's 2 Month Pictures

On July 18, little Miss E came to see me with her Mom.  We got a few good pics done before she got fussy and needed to sleep.  I always enjoy when Miss E comes to visit because her mom and I have been best friends since childhood.  It's always nice to reminisce about the good times we've had!